Movie Blogs which offer in-depth analysis of Cinematic Themes

The cinema you've always wanted to experience is now more accessible thanks to this curated collection (scifi movies blogs) from reviews. They will get you thinking about the film production industry's cultural and social importance and its continuous change.Classic Cinema ReviewsDecker ShadoTerrifier 2 Reaction/ReviewThis shocking installment in S

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Predator Movie Review

My review of the 1987 Schwarzeneggar film Predator. Is it the astonishing classic work that the masses tout? Or will my inbox be yet again bursting with messages about how my head is stuck squarely up my ass for having an opinion that differs from the norm? Watch, and find out!Source: Predator Movie Review (blog post) - Decker Shado More Videos

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Black Dawn Movie Review

Week seven of the Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to his 2005 offering, Black Dawn. In this basic action movie where Seagal must stop terrorists who of course have no problem securing a nuclear device, and rogue agents whom want them to have the science fiction movie nuke for some strange reason... (blog post) Seagal's presence is somewhat famo

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Monster Island

Monster Island is the name of The Asylum's 2019 mockbuster, which was coincidentally released around the same time as Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Monster Island is about an isolated island also known as Monster Island. Here a monster can be seen, and who is kind of the Island, or the Monster Island. Monster Island is about an Island. T

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Asylum film analysis

Decker Shado Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Review. After two less than stellar sequels, things seemed to be on the right track with Jurassic World bringing the Jurassic Park franchise back to it's roots. A big blockbuster dinosaur flick that did so well, another entry in the series seemed obvious. Indeed, this movie made gangbusters at the b

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